Saturday, December 30, 2006

Citizen Kane(1941)
IMDB rating : 8.6/10(80,453 votes) Top 250 #23

Directed by : Orson Welles

Plot : Following the death of a publishing tycoon, news reporters scramble to discover the meaning of his final utterance.(view trailer)

Runtime: 119 min
Certification: PG

Rotten Tomatoes-
Reviews Counted: 37
Fresh: 37 Rotten: 0
Average Rating: 9.3/10

"A cinematic perfect storm of technique and sophistication, widely hailed as the apotheosis of all the innovations and advancements of the sound era." - Steven D. Greydanus

"A film that actually feels more modern than most of what we see nowadays, sixty some years later." - Kevin N. Laforest

"A narrative of teasing sophistication, impeccable performances from a masterclass ensemble and a legacy that would take volumes to chronicle." - David Parkinson

"Filled with intriguing layers, the story of Kane's life becomes an onion that the movie keeps peeling." - Steve Rhodes

Awards for
Citizen Kane

My Rating: 10/10
Citizen Kane is made in the 1940s but it is still very new and modern when viewed today. The film have some breathtaking visuals and the camara work is very impressive. This film is considered to be one of the greatest ever made and is now currently at No.1 in the AFI's Greatest Films list. The black and white cinematography is a pleasure to watch.

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